Safe and Fear-free Environment, Inc. (SAFE)

CANDU Goals & Objectives


Introduction to Survey and Focus Group Research

In April, 2015, Safe and Fear Free Environment, Inc., entered into a contract with Christianson Communications Inc. of Juneau, Alaska to conduct a community survey and a series of focus groups in Dillingham, Alaska, as a means evaluating prevention efforts associated with SAFE’s CANDU Project.

Christianson Communications Inc. subcontracted with Ivan Moore Research, a longtime research firm in Anchorage, to do the community survey portion of the evaluation. Mr. Ivan Moore also assisted in reviewing the analysis provided in this report. Christianson Communications Inc. President Susan Stark Christianson had conducted a series of focus groups in Dillingham in 2011 and had worked with SAFE on previous projects, so she was familiar with the goals and intentions of the CANDU grant.

Questions for the survey and each focus group were developed by the consultant in conjunction with Marilyn Casteel, Executive Director of SAFE, Virginia Baim, Consultant to SAFE and former Executive Director, and Karen Carpenter, SAFE Direct Services. Researcher Ivan Moore reviewed and revised survey questions to fit the parameters of the survey and the group approved the final questions.

Principle 1:     Dillingham has prevention systems that connect community members and organizations across the lifecycle.

Principle  II:  Dillingham youth are fulfilled with themselves, within their family, within their schools and within their community.

Principle III: Dillingham has community-wide expectations and norms that promote equality and peace.

Principle IV: Dillingham has a physical environment that promotes connectivity, community health and wellness.

(PFD Document with goals and objectives below.)